Thursday, May 27, 2010

Motherhood- Sarah and Mikey

I recently traveled back home to Colorado where my family and friends all reside. It was such a great trip and we were actually able to stay a full 2 weeks and visit everyone. We had a blast and were ready to come back to Bellingham on that last day. It seems as though that happens no matter where you go and for how long, your always ready to sleep in your own bed.  Well I was out there I was able to capture my best friends growing belly. Sarah and I have been friends since the 9th grade. She was one of the only girls who looked past my tennis shoes and socks with my summer dresses outfits! Over the years we have truly been through so many ups, downs, joys and tears. But within the last 9 months we have been able to do something together that many friends always talk about but never works out. Both of us are expecting together, even though she is about ready to give birth to her new little princess and I am still not due for another 15 weeks or so it has been so amazing to go through pregnancy some what together. Of course with me being a photographer I want to be able to capture all of her special moments. She was able to twist her husbands arm to come out and play with us at the park on a windy Colorado day. We had a lot of fun playing around by the lake, catching up, laughing as two pregnant ladies almost falling into he lake, and waddling to and from different places. Her husband was a good sport through it all and I appreciated his good sense of humor about it.  They are such an amazing couple that being able to capture them together was pretty simple. Here are just a few of the shots that I took in which I loved!
Sarah & Mikey I know you are both going to be amazing parents and I am so anxious and excited about this new adventure you are about to take!

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Special bond between a Papa and a grandchild!

I was asked to photograph a grandchild and her special Papa the other day. It was such a special photo shoot as I had never done one before. As soon as I walked in the room I could feel the love that was between these two special people. As I was capturing them play by reading stories, playing Legos, the piano and singing together the glow was all over! I love when all I have to do is click the camera and never say a word! Its so amazing to see someone so little look up to someone so much. I am glad that I was there to witness the special bond and pretty sure it reflects in the pictures.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

The A Family

Being a photographer always makes Christmas season so much fun. I mean who doesn't love Christmas anyway! However, I get pretty busy doing family photos for Christmas cards around Oct and Nov. The Almond family is a wonderful family and I love seeing them show there love with one another. One of my favorite sayings when I do couples is now pretend you love each other. Well this always gets them to laugh and smile and then true emotions come out. On top of a beautiful couple, there son is adorable!

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Happy New Year ~2010~

I want to apologize I have been missing in action. These last few months have been super busy and honestly my blog has suffered from it. However the new year is here and I am going to make it my goal to update at least once every two weeks. I know its not everyday but its more then once every other six months. I want to just recap on what a year I have had. We moved from Denver to a small town in WA named Bellingham. I had no clue how I was going to start my business back up. I had no expectations and really just sort of said whatever happens, happens. Well I could have never imaged that it would have taken off as much as it did. I owe so many thanks to all my new clients of 2009 for allowing me to capture those special moments! I can only hope that this new year brings nothing but the best with my business. I have sat down and wrote out my goals and my plans for 2010. I am going to stay focused and put in a more time to keeping everyone informed, into advertising and of course having fun and creating memories to capture.
As far as my personal life, I have such an amazing family and in complete awe over this last year. My daughter is growing into this young mature four year old. She is so funny and makes me laugh out of the blue. She loves to have detailed conversations about everything and has a thought and a "dream" about life. I love her more then life itself. I can honestly say that when I have those down days or when life decides to throw us curve balls, its her that keeps me smiling and thinking so positive. My husband, is my rock. More then ever this last year we have built on our marriage, grew so close, and became best friends all over again. He goes to work every single day and works so hard just so he can support his family. He has to miss out on some fun times that we have during the week and I am so thankful for him to allow me to be able to create those times. He is such an amazing husband and I know that we will just continue to grow as a family and have a great 2010.
So with that said, I will leave you with a few of our Xmas vacation back home to CO photos. I will be back to update more with my professional shoots later.
Happy New Year and I hope everyone had a great 2009 and are ready for this amazing New Year!

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Preschool Photographer- Love to Learn

A few weeks back I was asked to do the school pictures for my daughters preschool. The AM class was all boys and boy did I have my hands full. They all wanted to have their picture taken but trying to get a good "smile mommy would like" out of them was rough! However, I managed to do so. They all turned out so great.. The PM class was completely opposite, all girls! They were my little princess, total hams in front of the camera and loved every minute of it. My original thought was to just pick out the best pose and print that for the parents. However, after looking through them I had taken way to many cute ones and I couldn't pick. I then left it up to the parents. Every single mom was so happy and I felt so good! I had never done big group sittings and especially with four year old I had no clue what I was going to be getting into. After the day was over and the results were in I was so pleased with everything and would love to get a few more under me!! So much fun and such beautiful children!

Monday, October 26, 2009

Maternity- Beautiful fall, lovely belly, and gorgeous mom & family

I love the glow that I see on moms who are expecting. Being able to capture that is just a wonderful feeling. I even love it more when I can take away a mom for a few hours and make her feel like she is on top of the world. A lot of times when women are expecting and its getting closer to the end of the pregnancy they tend to not see that glow anymore. I had the pleasure of taking the W family and belly photos and they just turned out great! I love that I was really able to get who they were as a family, that special bond between a child and a father, the glow on the soon to be mom of two, and the cute little grin of the big brother! This family was so much fun to work with and just an honor to be able to shoot them.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Preschool-- a new adventure

I am so excited for tomorrows big photo shoot! I am going to be taking pictures of Love to Learn's preschool in Sudden Valley! I am thrilled to be doing this and even though I have never done a preschool photo shoot, I couldn't be more excited. I am really not even nervous, compared to doing my first wedding! I love kids, I feel as though I can relate to them in some silly way. I love the way the kids show the true expressions and even better when I can capture and keep it treasured! The school has about 20 kids from ages three to five! One morning class, one afternoon class. More pictures will soon follow but I had to blog about it first. I have my car all packed with my studio and a few cute fall props. I sure do hope it goes as well as I think it will.

Wish me luck :-)