Sunday, January 3, 2010

Happy New Year ~2010~

I want to apologize I have been missing in action. These last few months have been super busy and honestly my blog has suffered from it. However the new year is here and I am going to make it my goal to update at least once every two weeks. I know its not everyday but its more then once every other six months. I want to just recap on what a year I have had. We moved from Denver to a small town in WA named Bellingham. I had no clue how I was going to start my business back up. I had no expectations and really just sort of said whatever happens, happens. Well I could have never imaged that it would have taken off as much as it did. I owe so many thanks to all my new clients of 2009 for allowing me to capture those special moments! I can only hope that this new year brings nothing but the best with my business. I have sat down and wrote out my goals and my plans for 2010. I am going to stay focused and put in a more time to keeping everyone informed, into advertising and of course having fun and creating memories to capture.
As far as my personal life, I have such an amazing family and in complete awe over this last year. My daughter is growing into this young mature four year old. She is so funny and makes me laugh out of the blue. She loves to have detailed conversations about everything and has a thought and a "dream" about life. I love her more then life itself. I can honestly say that when I have those down days or when life decides to throw us curve balls, its her that keeps me smiling and thinking so positive. My husband, is my rock. More then ever this last year we have built on our marriage, grew so close, and became best friends all over again. He goes to work every single day and works so hard just so he can support his family. He has to miss out on some fun times that we have during the week and I am so thankful for him to allow me to be able to create those times. He is such an amazing husband and I know that we will just continue to grow as a family and have a great 2010.
So with that said, I will leave you with a few of our Xmas vacation back home to CO photos. I will be back to update more with my professional shoots later.
Happy New Year and I hope everyone had a great 2009 and are ready for this amazing New Year!

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