Thursday, October 29, 2009

Preschool Photographer- Love to Learn

A few weeks back I was asked to do the school pictures for my daughters preschool. The AM class was all boys and boy did I have my hands full. They all wanted to have their picture taken but trying to get a good "smile mommy would like" out of them was rough! However, I managed to do so. They all turned out so great.. The PM class was completely opposite, all girls! They were my little princess, total hams in front of the camera and loved every minute of it. My original thought was to just pick out the best pose and print that for the parents. However, after looking through them I had taken way to many cute ones and I couldn't pick. I then left it up to the parents. Every single mom was so happy and I felt so good! I had never done big group sittings and especially with four year old I had no clue what I was going to be getting into. After the day was over and the results were in I was so pleased with everything and would love to get a few more under me!! So much fun and such beautiful children!

Monday, October 26, 2009

Maternity- Beautiful fall, lovely belly, and gorgeous mom & family

I love the glow that I see on moms who are expecting. Being able to capture that is just a wonderful feeling. I even love it more when I can take away a mom for a few hours and make her feel like she is on top of the world. A lot of times when women are expecting and its getting closer to the end of the pregnancy they tend to not see that glow anymore. I had the pleasure of taking the W family and belly photos and they just turned out great! I love that I was really able to get who they were as a family, that special bond between a child and a father, the glow on the soon to be mom of two, and the cute little grin of the big brother! This family was so much fun to work with and just an honor to be able to shoot them.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Preschool-- a new adventure

I am so excited for tomorrows big photo shoot! I am going to be taking pictures of Love to Learn's preschool in Sudden Valley! I am thrilled to be doing this and even though I have never done a preschool photo shoot, I couldn't be more excited. I am really not even nervous, compared to doing my first wedding! I love kids, I feel as though I can relate to them in some silly way. I love the way the kids show the true expressions and even better when I can capture and keep it treasured! The school has about 20 kids from ages three to five! One morning class, one afternoon class. More pictures will soon follow but I had to blog about it first. I have my car all packed with my studio and a few cute fall props. I sure do hope it goes as well as I think it will.

Wish me luck :-)

Tuesday, October 13, 2009


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H & J

I love this time of the year, its one of the best times to take photos and use nature as the backdrop! With all the pretty colors all around us it makes perfect pictures. I was able to photograph a family this last weekend and use nature to our advantage. I loved being able to shoot this family as they were so much fun. Being able to play peek a boo, and throw leaves and catch them brought me back to my child hood days. I loved being able to see them smile and laugh so hard! What a great way to be able to spend a Sunday. The couple was perfect and everyone just blended in so well. Thank you H&J for a great time
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