Thursday, May 27, 2010

Motherhood- Sarah and Mikey

I recently traveled back home to Colorado where my family and friends all reside. It was such a great trip and we were actually able to stay a full 2 weeks and visit everyone. We had a blast and were ready to come back to Bellingham on that last day. It seems as though that happens no matter where you go and for how long, your always ready to sleep in your own bed.  Well I was out there I was able to capture my best friends growing belly. Sarah and I have been friends since the 9th grade. She was one of the only girls who looked past my tennis shoes and socks with my summer dresses outfits! Over the years we have truly been through so many ups, downs, joys and tears. But within the last 9 months we have been able to do something together that many friends always talk about but never works out. Both of us are expecting together, even though she is about ready to give birth to her new little princess and I am still not due for another 15 weeks or so it has been so amazing to go through pregnancy some what together. Of course with me being a photographer I want to be able to capture all of her special moments. She was able to twist her husbands arm to come out and play with us at the park on a windy Colorado day. We had a lot of fun playing around by the lake, catching up, laughing as two pregnant ladies almost falling into he lake, and waddling to and from different places. Her husband was a good sport through it all and I appreciated his good sense of humor about it.  They are such an amazing couple that being able to capture them together was pretty simple. Here are just a few of the shots that I took in which I loved!
Sarah & Mikey I know you are both going to be amazing parents and I am so anxious and excited about this new adventure you are about to take!

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